Vote on Competition Images

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This competition uses "Rank Voting". This requires you to assign a "Rank Value" to your favorite images. The lowest number becomes your favorite, follow by higher numbers in your order of preference. The initial numbers do not need to be unique or sequential. When you commit your votes, sequential values will be computed.

You must set a value in the box provided to rank your images and use the "Save Rank Values" button to save your changes. While you can drag and drop images into a new sequence, this will not alter the rank vote values for the thumbnails. The altered sequence of unranked images will be preserved.

When you click "Save Rank Values", images with non-zero rank values will be moved to the start of the thumbnail list in the order of the numbers entered.

  • You cannot vote for your own images. Your own images will move to the end of the list.
  • Where Image Sequences are present, please rank the first image in the sequence. The remaining images in the sequence will always follow the first image.
  • When you have completed assigning rank values to images in all competition levels, check the box provided to commit you votes. Sequential rank values will be assigned to the images with the lowest numbers. Rank values above the maximum allowed will have their rank values set to zero.
  • Hover over a thumbnail image to see the image title. Click on a thumbnail image to perform your voting using full size images. The thumbnails are re-sorted when you return from full screen voting.

For more information on Rank Voting, please see the Help document.

  • Cast votes for the images below and press "Save Votes" when complete. You cannot vote for your own images. Cast votes for an Image Sequence by voting on the first image in the sequence.
  • Hover over a thumbnail image to see the image title. Click on a thumbnail to perform your voting using full size images.

Images with votes are displayed first in the list of thumbnails. The remaining images appear in a random order. You can click outside of the thumbnail image and drag the thumbnail container to another location. You may also use the "up/down" buttons on the right edge of the list to move items earlier or later in the list. Your sequencing is not preserved once you click "Save Votes" or enter full screen mode.

If you change the page without saving your votes, your votes will be lost.

You must be logged in before you can vote.

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