Competition: 2024-08 - Abandoned

Competition Type:NWPC Themes
Competition Date:September 10, 2024

Maximum pixel width for images: 1920
Maximum pixel height for images: 1080

Maximum title length: 50 characters.
Image Sequences are not permitted.

Competition Definition

Themes are in-house monthly competitions open to members only.

Comments for this Competition

“One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure” is an old saying that will guide this theme. The treasure will be the image you find of something abandoned, unloved, left out in the elements, or cast aside. The opportunities are wide open to find the story in the subjects you find and to practice some techniques like ICM, black and white, unusual angles, natural light, and high key/low key.

For inspiration, take a look at these websites. Copy and paste the link into a new tab or window.

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