High Key/Low Key & Exposure Triangle

The event was held on February 6, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

Short presentations, followed with a group discussion on two photography genres that relate to upcoming themes:

High Key - High key photography is an exciting type of photography that involves taking bright, overexposed photos. This will be a presentation by Nancy Matheson

Low Key - Low key photographs are underlit images that feature dramatic contrast and dark colors. This will be a presentation by Geffory Griffiths

Exposure Triangle - The exposure triangle is a concept that helps photographers understand how to adjust the settings of their camera to achieve the desired exposure for their photos. The exposure triangle consists of three elements: aperture, shutter speed, and ISO. Find out how each of these elements can affect your final image and how you can use these elements to capture the image that you want. This will be a presentation by Garfield James


Centennial Lodge Queen's Park

Queen's Park
New Westminster, BC V3L 1L7

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