SIG - Night Photography - Columbia Street

The event was held on February 3, 2024 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM.

The Night Photography group is going to meet on Saturday night, for a walk along Columbia Street from 8th to 4th Street. This is a great opportunity to get an image for the 5 locations in New Westminster challenge.
We will be meeting front of the Wait for Me Daddy statue at the foot of 8th Street (774 Columbia St, New Westminster, BC V3M 1B4) at 7:00 PM. The current forecast is for cloudy but cooler so please dress warmly.

Note:  To keep informed of last minute changes, join the NWPC - Night Vision private group on Facebook. As well have having details of meet-ups, this is also a place we are sharing images and discussions about night photography. Contact Peter Eisenbock or Geoff Griffiths to be admitted to the group.


New Westminster

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